Matt Richardson

On the road again...

January 08, 2006 | 1 Minute Read

Ahh... Back in Melbourne again, just about to head out to dinner with the family. Just got back from Cairns, and just about to head off again tomorrow to New Zealand.

Had a good time in Melbourne - caught up with a lot of people, which was definitely a good thing, but missed out on catching up with some that I really wanted to see - not the happiest about that. But, all in all, had a good time. Christmas was pretty good - wouldn't have been good in London by myself. New years eve was good too - ended up in the city, watched the fireworks, and generally partied the night away. Bit painful getting up and going to the airport on new years day though.

Slightly odd the differences I'm noticing here. Realised that a lot of the plants and trees are a really dusty green compared to England. But, there's lots more of them around. Also really noticed that the sun really bites here as well - had forgotten that; ended up bright red within the first few days <IMG alt=:( class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-6.gif" border=0>. Really noticing the Aussie drawl too - quite scary sometimes. Everything here is so much more open as well - you can see so much more of the sky.

Cairns was pretty good - was hot and humid though. Went diving on 2 days - 6 dives in all. Was pretty good - saw some reef sharks, some sea turtles, found Nemo <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border=0>, and lots of other cool stuff. Took a disposable camera with me - should have soon cool shots - will upload them when I get a chance. Also went on a 4WD trek through the tropical rainforest - was good. Also did a lot of relaxing and partying too. Was a good trip all up.

I think that kinda brings everything up to date... More I've got to share (visa issues, future plans, other random thoughts), but I'll save them for later...

Look out New Zealand - here I come!

Tagged: On Travels