Matt Richardson

I'm off to see the Ozzard, the wonderful Ozzard of Whiz!

April 29, 2006 | 0 Minute Read

I've just booked flights back to Aus for next month.

I'm flying out in the evening of Thursday the 18th of May, arriving in Melbourne on Saturday the 20th, at 7am.

I'll stick around for 9 days, then fly out at midnight on the 29th.

Not very long, but it'll be long enough to sort out my visa, drop by my cousins wedding, meet my new nephew. I might even get a chance to catch up with a few people while I'm there.

Yay! <IMG alt=":D" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-2.gif" border=0>

PS: probably bit a bit out of it when i start work the day after i arrive back in london, but, hey, its all fun <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border=0>
PPS: still no takers on where that title comes from?

Tagged: On Travels