Matt Richardson


October 04, 2004 | 2 Minute Read

(Originally written about the start of september...)

Well... Where can i start with this one... I s'pose it probably starts with arriving...

Arrived in at Heathrow, terribly exciting, and made my way down to Paul & Lydia's place, to give them the pleasure of my company, along with the fragrance of my smelly socks... :D Had to spend a few days there trying to get over jet lag, which is not fun, not fun at all...

After those few days of heady excitement, we headed up to London to go see some Olympics thing - London is angling to get the Olympics in 2012. Only problem was, there was nothing there. But, we made the most of it, and went and saw Stomp down at the West End. Really good show, quite enjoyed it. Wasn't sure what to expect as I went in, other than guys bashing garbage can lids together, but it turned out good. So, now i can say that I've been to the theatre in London's West End... Just another one of those things that sounds cool :D.

Other than that, met up with Andrew in London, on another day, and wandered around for a while - showing off my detailed knowledge as a tour guide :D. We followed that up with meeting yet another Melbournite, Andrea, who we met for dinner. So, it was quite the little reunion. I think Andrea is still having trouble getting over me being out of Australia - a long time ago we had a conversation where I was quite sure that I didn't want to travel - I couldn't see the point. Well, I think i've changed just a bit since then... :D

Couple of days later, met up with them all again, when we went out for my birthday - was good to have friends around. Almost as good as having family around, but not quite. Got to speak to the fam, which was good. Getting parcels in the mail for pressies was definitely good :D. Guys (you know who you are) - feel free to do that more often...

Other than that, there was the excitment of organising my baggage - I'm not going to whinge about it, 'cos I dont want to think about it - but, suffice it to saz that it would have been easier, and only marginally more expensive to take it with me on the plane... Gahh!

And that, they say, was that. I wandered up to Edinburgh, and the rest of the story can wait for later...