The Netherlands (Part III) - Day trip to Amsterdam & then Rotterdam
Well, Amsterdam is a bit of an odd one, cos this time round, it was just a day trip. We headed in to meet up with Margo (who I met in Scotland), and Andrew. We met up, and wandered around for a while, checked out the place, and had a few beers. All up, didn't see that much of Amsterdam that timeround, but it was good with the five of us just kicking back for a while, and relaxing.
Then Andrew and I headed down to Rotterdam (Margo's home town), leaving Matt behind (he couldn't be bothered seeing Rotterdam - I think he went back to Utrecht). We ended up sitting around at Margo's place till all hours of the morning, just yarning about all sorts of things. Was good.
The following day we wandered around Rotterdam, seeing the sights, and getting a bit of a feel for the city. Margo and Andrew had managed to get an opportunity to abseil of a stupidly high tower (unfortunately, only 2 spots - doh!), so I got to take photos for them. Looks like it would have been fun, but crazy.
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<P align=center>Margo, the instructor, and Andrew abseiling down the stupidly high tv tower.</P>
<P align=left>After that, we wandered around a bit more, saw some crazy cube houses, i got carried away trying to take arty photos of Margo, saw some pigeons kissing and saw my first real life dutch windmill. Also managed to find an “Australian Ice Cream” shop - i could’ve sworn they were supposed to be “New Zealand Ice Cream” shops… (side note - New Zealand was named after a province in The Netherlands - Zeeland.).</P>
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<P align=center>Crazy cube houses - apparently pretty cool, and roomy inside.</P>
<P align=left>That night, ended up going out partying with Margo, and one of her friends Mara. Was lots of fun, especially with the really bad 80’s music
. Left the place at 5am - only reason being that we didn’t want to miss the last bus. The party seen in The Netherlands is pretty crazy - it doesn’t really kick off till about 1am. But, it was a good night - a lot of fun - just letting go, and who cares what people think about my dancing <IMG alt=:P class=”emoticon” src=”/images/emotions/emotion-4.gif”>.</P>
<P align=left>PS - feel free to have a squiz at the rest of the photos of Rotterdam .</P>