Matt Richardson

Housemates, visitors, new jobs and travels...

April 16, 2005 | 1 Minute Read

Okay, its been a while since I've just done a bit of a general update, and a few things have happened lately, so I feel I ought to share them...

  • Carolyn and Andrew have moved in, taking over the 4th bedroom in the house. They're both American, Carolyn working for the labour party here in the lead up to the election, and Andrew is a freelance writer. They're here for 3 months or so, while Debs (the New Zealander) is off traveling.
  • Margo and Mara came over last weekend, and we spent all weekend partying. Was lots of fun! (Margo and Mara are 2 dutch girls - we met Margo in Inverness in Scotland, and have kept in contact since)
  • Andrew (Biscuit) has just finished his contract at his current workplace, and is starting at mergermarket on Monday, with nary a day off in between. He somehow managed to convince them that he was worth hiring[1]... Now he just has to live up to it...
  • Paul & Lyds have just finished their jobs, and are heading off on the road for four or so months of travel, then off home to settle down and be domesticated... Sad, cos I lose a good mate here.
  • Andrew and I are joining Paul & Lyds, and hopefully Bec in Turkey for a bit of a wander and the Anzac day service in Gallipolli on the 25th. Andrew and I head over on the 21st, and head back on the 27th.

I think thats about all thats happened lately, and is looking to happen in the next little while. If I think of anything else, I'll try and remember to post it...

[1] Yes, boss, that was sarcasm...

Tagged: On Travels  On Generalities