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March 20, 2007
Photo: Spires...
March 20, 2007
The Greenwich Meridian...
Han and I went to the Greenwich Observatory back in January - nice part of town. And, being me, I couldn't resist taking a photowith one foot in the western hemisphere, and one foot in the eastern hemisphere Nice part of town...
March 20, 2007
Christmas in Oxford Street
Okay, a bit belated, but Oxford Street was done and rather prettily over Christmas...Except for the fact that it was jam packed, it was nice...
March 20, 2007
Mind The Gap...
March 20, 2007
The Goonies!
Walking through Spitalfields market ages ago, saw this t-shirt. Couldn't resist a stylish number like this!(Hopefully haven't posted this before... Dont think i have at least!)