Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • January 17, 2007

    I'm still alive...

    Seems I've been AWOL from the blog for quite a while. Just really haven't been in the mood for writing anything.Been doing lots and lots of stuff, but just really haven't felt like writing about it. I'm sure I will at some point though.Half way th...

  • November 11, 2006

    Its a hard life...

    Unemployed, lazing around the house all week, and now I'm off to Barcelona for the weekend.Can life get any worse???

  • October 26, 2006

    Time for some bad publicity for NatWest...

    Disgusted in NatWest right now...1. They advertise 'Phones answered 24/7'. Until you ring up and get told 'Our business hours are 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday'. Make up your mind.2. Rang up the number on the back of the card, which said 'Press1 for...

  • October 24, 2006

    Brainbench tests...

    Just did yet another Brainbench test the other day, as part of the hunt for a contract job...Thought it might be interesting to share the results I've had over the time: <FONT size=2>Date <FONT size=2>Subject <FONT size=2>Scor...

  • October 24, 2006

    Maybe parking your car on Brick Lane is a bad idea...

    No idea what the point is, but its pretty cool...