Matt Richardson


Recent Posts

  • October 21, 2006

    Good on you, Google...

    Google has just announced that they're covering the roof of their buildings with solar panels to offset the power they use.Good on you, Google!

  • October 20, 2006

    Gotta love 'The Sun'...

    Have a look at the front cover of today's 'The Sun', and the story that its about...As ever, 'The Sun' is doing its best to calm racial tensions... Gah.

  • October 14, 2006

    Vista RC2...

    Got it installed, and 90% setup. Seems quite good, smooth, and stable. Very pretty too...Only had three issues - it didn't want to setup while connected to my TV, and also that it seems that media centre shuts down when you connect to the mac...

  • October 14, 2006

    Reverse graffiti?

    Is cleaning a crime? 'Graffiti' by cleaning grimey walls... from Neatorama, via Dan Bartels.

  • October 14, 2006

    Good evening, its 11.30pm, and its time for the evenings news...

    Well, its official, its final, and I'm not worried about it at all.I resigned on Wednesday from company I was contracting at[1]. Finally.I've got no new job, but judging by the fact that I uploaded my CV to a few job sites last night, an...