Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • October 14, 2006


    Hadn't heard much about it, but seems that the fires in Hobart (down in Tasmania) were pretty scary. A mate sent me this photo (by Ian Stewart):<IMG alt="Hobart Bushfires - 12/10/2006" src="/images/HobartBushfire12Oct06_small.jpg" border=0>&...

  • October 14, 2006

    The Aurora...

    A very cool timelapse video of the northern lights…

  • October 14, 2006

    There's nothing better to be doing on a friday night than...

    ... sitting at home installing Vista RC2, reading blogs, and doing some blogging.Okay, well maybe there is. But, in the interests of sharing the love, this caught my eye: ... some currencies, notably sterling issued by <A title=Scotland href="h...

  • October 09, 2006

    The blanket monster...

    My nephew's now 6 months old... And has grown into a blanket monster, it seems: How cute is he??? <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border=0>

  • October 07, 2006

    Six word stories...

    Check this out. Very cool. Some of the comments are brilliant too.