Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • September 25, 2006

    30 by 30...

    Airports, that is... Pretty good, seeing the first time I left the country was two and a half years ago... Melbourne, Australia (Tullamarine) Adelaide, Australia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bangalore, India Goa, India Mumbai, India Chennai, India...

  • September 23, 2006

    How decadent...

    Great quote from Charlie the other day:Matt: “Where are we again?”Charile: “Its Tuesday, so it must be Prague.”And it wasn't even meant as tongue in cheek <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/

  • September 23, 2006

    Deep question...

    Think of all the clear things you know of, ie, glass, cling film, perspex, etc.Now, why are all of them shiny?(I've got no idea, just a thought I had the other day...)

  • September 09, 2006

    Why i like .net...

    A little naïve, but still a great story: How to make a corporate butt pucker.That said, even if it takes 10 times as long, still damn good.Oh, how I want to be doing ASP.NET rather than using technology over a decade old... <IMG alt=:( cla...

  • September 09, 2006

    Paranoia gone overboard...

    Saw this one the other week, but didn't get around to posting it...Mutiny as passengers refuse to fly until Asians* are removed Racial profiling at its best... Scary. Those guys went through security. if the other people don't want to fly with th...