Recent Posts
August 15, 2006
Been looking into some and atlas stuff recently, and I've really enjoyed it. Even was playing with some virtual earth mapping stuff the other day, which was very cool. It was so easy, but still so powerful. Its takes away so much that you ...
August 07, 2006
I'll try not to kill it...
Hannah's made me try and grow the tree seedlings that were handed out at the Ben & Jerry's Sundae in the park concert, as part of their seed the world program. Well, I promise I'll try and look after it - no guarantees they'll survive though....
August 07, 2006
I'm loving this Atlas stuff...
Been reading about, watching a few screencasts, and even doing a bit of Atlas development, with ASP.NET.Damn, I'm loving it! Its going to make life sooo much easier.Now, just have to get away from doing the ancient (and extremely painful) ASP that...
August 07, 2006
I like London...
In the last week, I've been to 3 gigs/concerts: Ben & Jerry's Sundae in the Park Concert: Paperadio Gig: TheCat Empire Gig: Life's hard sometimes <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border...
August 03, 2006
Italian Soccer Training Camp...
A bit belated, but so true... Funny too. <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border=0>In other news an Australian man was arrested in Italy for an assault on a local man following the football match ...