Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • July 25, 2006

    Email to txt....

    Just managed to setup the T-Mobile email to txt service... I'm really not sure how useful it is, but if you so desire, you can send a txt via email to me at Suprisingly, the xxx is my phone number... I'm assuming you've...

  • July 25, 2006

    I love Top Gear!

    Absolutely loved watching Top Gear last week - laughed so much I cried... <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border=0>They've got a bit of a thing against caravans, so, just for a laugh, they decided to go fo...

  • July 16, 2006


    Not a big fan of london water... This is my cup of tea from the other day, just using normal tap water: And yes, its a huge cup - is about twice the size of a normal cup <IMG alt=":)" class="emoticon" src="/images/emotions/emotion-1.gif" border...

  • July 16, 2006

    Stark raving mad...

    Went and saw the Rocky Horror Show the other day, with Sue and Hannah. <IMG alt="Rocky Horror Show" src="/images/rickyhorrorshowheader.jpg" border=0> I'd never seen it before, so this was a bit of an eye opener... Stark raving ...

  • July 16, 2006

    Hand made ferrari...

    This is on display round the corner from work...Yes, its a hand-knitted ferrari. Some people have far to much time on their hands...More info on The Times website.