Recent Posts
July 06, 2006
What I'm reading...
Currently reading "Joel on Software: And on Diverse and Occasionally Related Matters That Will Prove of Interest to Software Developers, Designers, and Managers, and to Those Who, Whether by Good Fortune or Ill Luck, Work with Them in Some Cap...
July 06, 2006
Finally! Somebody twigs that Apple & the iPod are anti-competitve...
Finally, instead of purely Microsoft bashing, law-makers have finally realised that the iPod is anti-competitive.French law-makers have approved a law forcing Apple to make its music format available to other manufacturers, rather than only allowi...
July 06, 2006
Creepy. Cool. Bizarre. Impressive.
The Little Girl Giant.via Gadgetopia.
July 06, 2006
Been getting into the football soccer lately, and I'm really quite enjoying it.Bitterly disappointing about the Italy v Australia result - really wasn't happy about that. That said, when Italy played Germany last night, they played brilliantly. If...
June 28, 2006
Un petit monde...
Sue crashed at my place over the weekend, and then was heading over to Otto's place for the rest of the week. Otto's a Finnish friend that she knew from a while back.Was talking to Sue the night before she headed over, and gave her my business car...