Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • August 28, 2008

    So true...

    The urban dictionary defines blog as: A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I sle...

  • July 26, 2008

    I am not a resource, I’m a person!

    Something that’s been a pet hate of mine for a while, is resourcification. You are no longer a person, you are a resource.Especially tied into that is the assumption that all resources are equal. Hello! People have different strengths and weakness...

  • June 30, 2008

    Thought of the day...

    Software development today is a race between programmers trying to create bigger, better, and more idiot proof programs, and the Universe trying to create bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.So true... Sigh.(stolen from I don...

  • June 08, 2008

    DRM. Gah.

    Just ordered a pizza, and sat down to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey on HD-DVD (detailed version: the dvd in my laptop, and watching on my tv via hdmi cable).Then just got a message saying: So, there I am trying to watch a legitimate rente...

  • February 10, 2008


    Slightly off-topic (but then again, dont actually have a topic, so how can it be off it?), but I quite like the words of Grandfather’s Clock by Henry Clay Work.