Matt Richardson

Recent Posts

  • August 21, 2007

    Back from the Fringe...

    Headed up to the good ol' Edinburgh Fringe this weekend with Luch - was great!Ended up seeing:An AirBalloon Across AntarcticaThis was the play that Charlie and her theatre company put on. Slightly mad, but definitely very good. Apparently they're ...

  • August 21, 2007

    Time to hand in your licence, Mr Spolsky...

    Just read about Joel Spolsky's trouble opening a DVD case. Now, I've got a lot of respect for about 3/4 of what he writes, and complete contempt for the rest...Today he rants about the trouble he had opening the Office 2007 DVD case. Apparently it...

  • July 18, 2007

    Helpful hint of the day...

    Not sure why this was on the side of a taxi - assuming its an advert for someone, but not quite sure who...Though, could come in useful. But, then again, if you need to be told that, there's no hope for you anyway.

  • July 18, 2007

    Be Of The Dog...

    Spray painted onto a gate on my way to the station in the morning. I'm confused...

  • July 14, 2007

    Trojan Horse?

    Build a giant wooden horse, stick some soldiers in it, and see how many security guards repeat history... Brilliant. (via the OldNewThing)