Recent Posts
July 01, 2007
The Globe Theatre...
While Paul & Lyds were over here a few months back, we headed off to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, to see Othello. I'd seen the "Shakespeare Code" episode of Doctor Who, and thought that it was about time to get along there and check it ou...
July 01, 2007
If the eye was a digital camera...
Okay, this is slightly nerdy, but hey, I thought it was interesting... Notes on the Resolution and Other Details of the Human Eye.Apparently its equivalent to a 576 megapixel camera... Cool.
June 28, 2007
My poor phone...
Seems that my My MDA Vario was a bit of a casualty of Glastonbury... The touch screen no longer works, and seeing it relies on the touch screen for a lot of things, its not as useful as it could be. It works most of the time, but a few things you ...
June 28, 2007
I *still* hate NatWest
I just rang up NatWest to complain about a over limit charge they wacked on my account, and they really didn't care. I saw that I was going to go over my overdraft a few months back, and made the effort to cancel a standing order that was going to...
June 26, 2007
Back from Glastonbury...
Finally made it back from Glastonbury, covered in mud, smelling like... well, don't ask - it wasn't pretty.Had a pretty good time there, though the mud was a bit crazy. Took a gazillion photos (surprise, surprise), so thought I might share a few f...