Recent Posts
June 26, 2007
Way cool...
Go check out Photosynth that Microsoft Live Labs has put together... Very cool.
May 04, 2007
Flying Lessons...
Got emailed this the other day - rather amusing...
May 02, 2007
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man...
Finished reading Confessions of an Economic Hit Man a while back, and I've been meaning to write about it since then. It tells the story of John Perkins, who was hired as an economist by one of the big US construction companies, and...
May 02, 2007
Well, that's that...
Finished up at UBS last week, after a four month stint there. Was quite a good place to work, though getting to know the team was hard work though. 'Bout half the work was interesting and enjoyable, but the other half ranged from passable to downr...
May 02, 2007
I tried! Honest, I did!
Even though I promised to try not to kill it, i did. I did try to keep it alive, I watered it and everything!But, here is the end result:Boo. Maybe I dont have green fingers after all*. Maybe living in a 6th floor apa...